Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: May 2024
Generated 01-Jun-2024 02:45 CEST
Webalizer Xtended (RB30)

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for May 2024
Total Hits 312769
Total Files 307137
Total Pages 310673
Total Visits 7595
Total Volume 3.07 GB
Total Unique Sites 5582
Total Unique URLs 1340
Total Unique Referrers 1663
Total Unique User Agents 318
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 420 125391
Hits per Day 10089 126555
Files per Day 9907 126198
Pages per Day 10021 126412
Sites per Day 180 1752
Visits per Day 245 1785
Volume per Day 101.51 MB 277.88 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 101 - Switching Protocols 0.01% 28
Code 200 - OK 98.20% 307137
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.01% 26
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 12
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.05% 148
Code 401 - Unauthorized 0.01% 21
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.02% 69
Code 404 - Not Found 1.70% 5327
Code 406 - Not Acceptable 0.00% 1

Hits by Response Code May 2024

Code 404 Monthly Statistics for May 2024 (Top 20 of 492 URLs)
# Hits URL
1 3766 70.70% /usage_202404.htmlusage_202404.html
2 145 2.72% /usage_202405.htmlusage_202405.html
3 74 1.39% /wp-login.php
4 29 0.54% /usage/error_202312.html/trackback/
5 19 0.36% /usage//xef/xbb/xbf
6 13 0.24% /sitemap.xml
7 13 0.24% /modules/mod_simplefileuploadv1.3/elements/®.php7
8 13 0.24% /usage/usage_201001.html/r
9 13 0.24% /usage/usage_201606.html/r
10 13 0.24% /modules/phpBB2/
11 12 0.23% /ads.txt
12 12 0.23% /usage/usage_201208.html/r
13 11 0.21% /bk
14 11 0.21% /inputs.php
15 10 0.19% /wordpress
16 10 0.19% /wp
17 10 0.19% /backup
18 10 0.19% /old
19 10 0.19% /new
20 10 0.19% /wp-content/plugins/fix/up.php
View All URLs

Daily usage for May 2024

Daily Statistics for May 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites Volume
1 1840 0.59% 1562 0.51% 1738 0.56% 108 1.42% 80 1.43% 142.42 MB 4.53%
2 1396 0.45% 1325 0.43% 1331 0.43% 123 1.62% 96 1.72% 134.20 MB 4.26%
3 1492 0.48% 1264 0.41% 1394 0.45% 129 1.70% 99 1.77% 108.58 MB 3.45%
4 1344 0.43% 1224 0.40% 1302 0.42% 123 1.62% 108 1.93% 101.46 MB 3.22%
5 505 0.16% 481 0.16% 482 0.16% 103 1.36% 77 1.38% 21.49 MB 0.68%
6 14111 4.51% 14058 4.58% 14046 4.52% 540 7.11% 503 9.01% 116.05 MB 3.69%
7 11758 3.76% 11724 3.82% 11659 3.75% 562 7.40% 544 9.75% 101.00 MB 3.21%
8 1194 0.38% 1166 0.38% 1161 0.37% 134 1.76% 120 2.15% 99.08 MB 3.15%
9 940 0.30% 916 0.30% 905 0.29% 97 1.28% 87 1.56% 69.70 MB 2.22%
10 1376 0.44% 1223 0.40% 1334 0.43% 153 2.01% 147 2.63% 106.68 MB 3.39%
11 690 0.22% 401 0.13% 642 0.21% 84 1.11% 95 1.70% 23.21 MB 0.74%
12 676 0.22% 531 0.17% 645 0.21% 124 1.63% 82 1.47% 28.36 MB 0.90%
13 810 0.26% 701 0.23% 773 0.25% 116 1.53% 71 1.27% 41.02 MB 1.30%
14 1629 0.52% 1359 0.44% 1334 0.43% 141 1.86% 115 2.06% 87.72 MB 2.79%
15 126555 40.46% 126198 41.09% 126412 40.69% 1785 23.50% 1752 31.39% 207.89 MB 6.61%
16 1737 0.56% 1283 0.42% 1498 0.48% 154 2.03% 131 2.35% 64.41 MB 2.05%
17 1916 0.61% 1319 0.43% 1660 0.53% 171 2.25% 137 2.45% 89.28 MB 2.84%
18 2042 0.65% 1686 0.55% 1920 0.62% 134 1.76% 104 1.86% 125.90 MB 4.00%
19 1589 0.51% 1553 0.51% 1543 0.50% 139 1.83% 117 2.10% 143.51 MB 4.56%
20 1847 0.59% 1531 0.50% 1825 0.59% 140 1.84% 109 1.95% 141.64 MB 4.50%
21 1678 0.54% 1390 0.45% 1661 0.53% 121 1.59% 76 1.36% 127.89 MB 4.06%
22 1123 0.36% 840 0.27% 1086 0.35% 97 1.28% 68 1.22% 63.19 MB 2.01%
23 1121 0.36% 833 0.27% 1100 0.35% 135 1.78% 83 1.49% 67.46 MB 2.14%
24 1460 0.47% 1303 0.42% 1447 0.47% 155 2.04% 100 1.79% 112.45 MB 3.57%
25 124909 39.94% 124785 40.63% 124869 40.19% 1491 19.63% 1464 26.23% 277.88 MB 8.83%
26 2136 0.68% 2021 0.66% 2116 0.68% 113 1.49% 91 1.63% 214.70 MB 6.82%
27 965 0.31% 860 0.28% 939 0.30% 99 1.30% 74 1.33% 63.77 MB 2.03%
28 882 0.28% 780 0.25% 865 0.28% 91 1.20% 74 1.33% 58.39 MB 1.86%
29 1112 0.36% 998 0.32% 1096 0.35% 109 1.44% 73 1.31% 65.61 MB 2.09%
30 769 0.25% 747 0.24% 746 0.24% 88 1.16% 68 1.22% 56.13 MB 1.78%
31 1167 0.37% 1075 0.35% 1144 0.37% 124 1.63% 90 1.61% 85.68 MB 2.72%

Hourly usage for May 2024

Hourly Statistics for May 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 47 1478 0.47% 37 1163 0.38% 45 1408 0.45% 2.97 MB 92.17 MB 2.93%
1 4090 126820 40.55% 4082 126557 41.21% 4088 126756 40.80% 8.37 MB 259.44 MB 8.24%
2 45 1402 0.45% 38 1203 0.39% 42 1329 0.43% 2.99 MB 92.77 MB 2.95%
3 50 1573 0.50% 43 1337 0.44% 48 1499 0.48% 3.30 MB 102.39 MB 3.25%
4 56 1757 0.56% 50 1559 0.51% 53 1658 0.53% 3.54 MB 109.70 MB 3.49%
5 53 1673 0.53% 47 1461 0.48% 52 1626 0.52% 4.09 MB 126.79 MB 4.03%
6 53 1673 0.53% 47 1466 0.48% 51 1609 0.52% 4.02 MB 124.54 MB 3.96%
7 55 1724 0.55% 48 1491 0.49% 53 1659 0.53% 3.91 MB 121.19 MB 3.85%
8 56 1742 0.56% 46 1452 0.47% 53 1649 0.53% 3.89 MB 120.45 MB 3.83%
9 57 1775 0.57% 49 1539 0.50% 54 1698 0.55% 4.05 MB 125.41 MB 3.99%
10 55 1708 0.55% 47 1467 0.48% 52 1634 0.53% 3.96 MB 122.79 MB 3.90%
11 56 1748 0.56% 48 1503 0.49% 54 1676 0.54% 3.91 MB 121.17 MB 3.85%
12 57 1796 0.57% 49 1540 0.50% 54 1682 0.54% 4.23 MB 130.99 MB 4.16%
13 62 1928 0.62% 54 1696 0.55% 58 1808 0.58% 4.46 MB 138.30 MB 4.40%
14 56 1751 0.56% 49 1523 0.50% 53 1671 0.54% 4.12 MB 127.68 MB 4.06%
15 56 1766 0.56% 49 1527 0.50% 55 1723 0.55% 4.21 MB 130.52 MB 4.15%
16 67 2077 0.66% 59 1841 0.60% 57 1770 0.57% 4.17 MB 129.35 MB 4.11%
17 55 1723 0.55% 47 1473 0.48% 53 1657 0.53% 3.95 MB 122.56 MB 3.89%
18 4035 125098 40.00% 4027 124861 40.65% 4033 125041 40.25% 9.13 MB 283.03 MB 8.99%
19 52 1635 0.52% 45 1396 0.45% 50 1564 0.50% 3.55 MB 110.19 MB 3.50%
20 52 1612 0.52% 45 1396 0.45% 49 1533 0.49% 3.61 MB 111.98 MB 3.56%
21 48 1502 0.48% 42 1304 0.42% 46 1448 0.47% 3.37 MB 104.42 MB 3.32%
22 816 25296 8.09% 808 25060 8.16% 811 25154 8.10% 4.57 MB 141.66 MB 4.50%
23 48 1512 0.48% 42 1322 0.43% 45 1421 0.46% 3.14 MB 97.27 MB 3.09%

Top 30 of 1340 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 275665 88.14% 364.25 MB 11.58% /
2 21707 6.94% 2.63 GB 85.71% /usage/usage_200906.html
3 4343 1.39% 40.01 MB 1.27% /usage/
4 983 0.31% 592.64 KB 0.02% /usage/menu.html
5 457 0.15% 4.37 MB 0.14% /usage/error_201611.html
6 69 0.02% 396.06 KB 0.01% /usage/error_202312.html
7 64 0.02% 2.63 MB 0.08% /usage/usage_202206.html
8 51 0.02% 54.73 KB 0.00% /frame.html
9 41 0.01% 57.43 KB 0.00% /main.html
10 41 0.01% 4.36 MB 0.14% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202405.html
11 34 0.01% 59.59 KB 0.00% /menue.html
12 32 0.01% 30.41 KB 0.00% /impressum.htm
13 32 0.01% 481.10 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_201903.html
14 27 0.01% 271.09 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_201902.html
15 26 0.01% 33.07 KB 0.00% /banner.html
16 21 0.01% 210.69 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_201904.html
17 20 0.01% 206.43 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_201905.html
18 18 0.01% 33.28 KB 0.00% /menue2.html
19 18 0.01% 375.82 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_201912.html
20 17 0.01% 16.31 KB 0.00% /gottkarten.htm
21 17 0.01% 12.30 KB 0.00% /links/links.php
22 16 0.01% 68.86 KB 0.00% /charakter.htm
23 16 0.01% 9.38 KB 0.00% /exodia.htm
24 16 0.01% 37.16 KB 0.00% /haftungsausschluss.htm
25 16 0.01% 22.49 KB 0.00% /millenniums.html
26 16 0.01% 476.53 KB 0.01% /regelwerk.htm
27 16 0.01% 4.70 KB 0.00% /underconstruktion.htm
28 16 0.01% 132.40 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_202312.html
29 16 0.01% 178.84 KB 0.01% /usage/usage_202402.html
30 15 0.00% 26.87 KB 0.00% /usage/germannavyseals_de/

Top 10 of 1340 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 21707 6.94% 2.63 GB 85.71% /usage/usage_200906.html
2 275665 88.14% 364.25 MB 11.58% /
3 4343 1.39% 40.01 MB 1.27% /usage/
4 457 0.15% 4.37 MB 0.14% /usage/error_201611.html
5 41 0.01% 4.36 MB 0.14% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202405.html
6 64 0.02% 2.63 MB 0.08% /usage/usage_202206.html
7 2 0.00% 1.73 MB 0.05% /usage/webalizer.current
8 9 0.00% 1.06 MB 0.03% /usage/usage_201909.html
9 14 0.00% 747.09 KB 0.02% /usage/usage_201001.html
10 983 0.31% 592.64 KB 0.02% /usage/menu.html

Top 10 of 357 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 275665 88.14% 4890 69.13% /
2 4343 1.39% 491 6.94% /usage/
3 21707 6.94% 361 5.10% /usage/usage_200906.html
4 64 0.02% 51 0.72% /usage/usage_202206.html
5 69 0.02% 41 0.58% /usage/error_202312.html
6 457 0.15% 30 0.42% /usage/error_201611.html
7 51 0.02% 26 0.37% /frame.html
8 27 0.01% 24 0.34% /usage/usage_201902.html
9 18 0.01% 16 0.23% /usage/usage_201912.html
10 32 0.01% 14 0.20% /impressum.htm

Top 10 of 367 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 275665 88.14% 4852 68.98% /
2 4343 1.39% 492 6.99% /usage/
3 21707 6.94% 346 4.92% /usage/usage_200906.html
4 64 0.02% 51 0.73% /usage/usage_202206.html
5 51 0.02% 34 0.48% /frame.html
6 32 0.01% 29 0.41% /usage/usage_201903.html
7 457 0.15% 23 0.33% /usage/error_201611.html
8 20 0.01% 18 0.26% /usage/usage_201905.html
9 41 0.01% 16 0.23% /main.html
10 69 0.02% 15 0.21% /usage/error_202312.html

Top 30 of 5582 Total Sites
# Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 2272 0.73% 2272 0.74% 14.04 MB 0.45% 249 3.28%
2 2134 0.68% 2134 0.69% 0 bytes 0.00% 279 3.67%
3 1752 0.56% 1752 0.57% 2.33 MB 0.07% 4 0.05%
4 1456 0.47% 1456 0.47% 1.93 MB 0.06% 3 0.04%
5 1423 0.45% 0 0.00% 272.37 KB 0.01% 47 0.62%
6 1237 0.40% 1237 0.40% 1.64 MB 0.05% 2 0.03%
7 1235 0.39% 1235 0.40% 1.64 MB 0.05% 1 0.01%
8 1217 0.39% 0 0.00% 232.94 KB 0.01% 9 0.12%
9 1120 0.36% 1120 0.36% 6.93 MB 0.22% 106 1.40%
10 1099 0.35% 1099 0.36% 1.46 MB 0.05% 1 0.01%
11 1051 0.34% 467 0.15% 4.40 MB 0.14% 31 0.41%
12 1025 0.33% 1025 0.33% 1.36 MB 0.04% 1 0.01%
13 988 0.32% 988 0.32% 1.31 MB 0.04% 1 0.01%
14 933 0.30% 933 0.30% 1.24 MB 0.04% 1 0.01%
15 930 0.30% 930 0.30% 1.24 MB 0.04% 1 0.01%
16 918 0.29% 918 0.30% 1.22 MB 0.04% 2 0.03%
17 900 0.29% 900 0.29% 1.20 MB 0.04% 1 0.01%
18 882 0.28% 882 0.29% 1.18 MB 0.04% 5 0.07% undefined.hostname.localhost
19 841 0.27% 841 0.27% 1.12 MB 0.04% 1 0.01%
20 838 0.27% 838 0.27% 1.11 MB 0.04% 1 0.01%
21 821 0.26% 821 0.27% 1.09 MB 0.03% 1 0.01%
22 802 0.26% 802 0.26% 1.07 MB 0.03% 1 0.01%
23 796 0.25% 796 0.26% 1.06 MB 0.03% 4 0.05%
24 793 0.25% 793 0.26% 1.05 MB 0.03% 1 0.01%
25 781 0.25% 781 0.25% 1.04 MB 0.03% 2 0.03%
26 781 0.25% 781 0.25% 1.04 MB 0.03% 1 0.01%
27 771 0.25% 771 0.25% 1.02 MB 0.03% 4 0.05%
28 756 0.24% 756 0.25% 1.00 MB 0.03% 1 0.01%
29 744 0.24% 744 0.24% 1012.10 KB 0.03% 1 0.01%
30 742 0.24% 742 0.24% 1009.38 KB 0.03% 1 0.01%

Top 10 of 5582 Total Sites By Volume
# Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 717 0.23% 717 0.23% 83.38 MB 2.65% 13 0.17%
2 681 0.22% 681 0.22% 79.02 MB 2.51% 3 0.04%
3 696 0.22% 696 0.23% 77.96 MB 2.48% 6 0.08%
4 535 0.17% 535 0.17% 61.73 MB 1.96% 18 0.24%
5 490 0.16% 490 0.16% 56.74 MB 1.80% 9 0.12%
6 463 0.15% 463 0.15% 55.41 MB 1.76% 6 0.08%
7 469 0.15% 469 0.15% 54.46 MB 1.73% 6 0.08%
8 457 0.15% 457 0.15% 52.86 MB 1.68% 5 0.07%
9 410 0.13% 410 0.13% 50.06 MB 1.59% 3 0.04%
10 430 0.14% 430 0.14% 49.94 MB 1.59% 10 0.13%

Top 30 of 1663 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 24928 7.97%
2 24920 7.97%
3 24903 7.96%
4 24896 7.96%
5 24881 7.96%
6 24842 7.94%
7 24835 7.94%
8 24832 7.94%
9 24827 7.94%
10 24809 7.93%
11 23412 7.49%
12 5164 1.65% - (Direct Request)
13 1480 0.47%
14 1372 0.44%
15 1352 0.43%
16 1316 0.42%
17 1292 0.41%
18 1131 0.36%
19 940 0.30%
20 940 0.30%
21 472 0.15%
22 292 0.09%
23 273 0.09%
24 270 0.09%
25 255 0.08%
26 242 0.08%
27 232 0.07%
28 225 0.07%
29 225 0.07%
30 217 0.07%

Top 15 of 318 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 307181 98.21% Browser: Safari
2 3600 1.15% Browser: Firefox
3 452 0.14% Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
4 310 0.10% Spider: MJ12bot
5 196 0.06% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
6 145 0.05% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
7 137 0.04% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
8 135 0.04% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeznamBot/4.0; +
9 110 0.04% Spider: Googlebot
10 76 0.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
11 66 0.02% IonCrawl (
12 40 0.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SEOkicks; +
13 28 0.01% PHP/5.{3|2}.{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0}{1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|0}
14 19 0.01% CCBot/2.0 (
15 12 0.00% Browser: MSIE

Usage by Country for May 2024

Top 30 of 131 Total Countries
# Hits Files Volume Country
1 55538 17.76% 55507 18.07% 1.63 GB 53.07% Network (net)
2 29184 9.33% 28725 9.35% 306.26 MB 9.73% Commercial (com)
3 21713 6.94% 21611 7.04% 114.92 MB 3.65% United States United States
4 16227 5.19% 16227 5.28% 21.56 MB 0.69% Colombia Colombia
5 15546 4.97% 15546 5.06% 20.65 MB 0.66% Brazil Brazil
6 14195 4.54% 14194 4.62% 19.05 MB 0.61% India India
7 12174 3.89% 12174 3.96% 16.17 MB 0.51% Argentina Argentina
8 8054 2.58% 8054 2.62% 10.70 MB 0.34% Peru Peru
9 7756 2.48% 3816 1.24% 10.30 MB 0.33% Russian Federation Russian Federation
10 7606 2.43% 7606 2.48% 10.10 MB 0.32% Venezuela Venezuela
11 7566 2.42% 7566 2.46% 10.05 MB 0.32% Mexico Mexico
12 7181 2.30% 7138 2.32% 320.34 MB 10.18% European Union European Union
13 7051 2.25% 7048 2.29% 27.17 MB 0.86% Chile Chile
14 7025 2.25% 7022 2.29% 73.01 MB 2.32% Canada Canada
15 6135 1.96% 6122 1.99% 9.59 MB 0.30% China China
16 6060 1.94% 6060 1.97% 8.05 MB 0.26% Ecuador Ecuador
17 5478 1.75% 4683 1.52% 12.84 MB 0.41% Germany Germany
18 4754 1.52% 4754 1.55% 6.32 MB 0.20% Pakistan Pakistan
19 4606 1.47% 4606 1.50% 6.12 MB 0.19% United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates
20 4515 1.44% 4515 1.47% 6.00 MB 0.19% Indonesia Indonesia
21 4443 1.42% 4443 1.45% 5.90 MB 0.19% Thailand Thailand
22 4259 1.36% 4259 1.39% 5.66 MB 0.18% Korea, Republic of Korea, Republic of
23 3234 1.03% 3234 1.05% 4.30 MB 0.14% Viet Nam Viet Nam
24 3047 0.97% 3047 0.99% 4.05 MB 0.13% Malaysia Malaysia
25 2831 0.91% 2810 0.91% 3.86 MB 0.12% Unresolved/Unknown
26 2665 0.85% 2665 0.87% 3.54 MB 0.11% Cambodia Cambodia
27 2634 0.84% 2634 0.86% 3.50 MB 0.11% Uruguay Uruguay
28 2183 0.70% 2183 0.71% 81.01 MB 2.57% Australia Australia
29 2134 0.68% 2134 0.69% 0 bytes 0.00% Samoa Samoa
30 1857 0.59% 1852 0.60% 131.32 MB 4.17% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Generated by Webalizer Xtended (RB30) by Patrick Frei based on Webalizer Version 2.23-08