Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2024
Generated 01-Apr-2024 02:46 CEST
Webalizer Xtended (RB30)

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2024
Total Hits 743665
Total Files 740791
Total Pages 740610
Total Visits 5135
Total Volume 628.39 MB
Total Unique Sites 1247
Total Unique URLs 1550
Total Unique Referrers 1951
Total Unique User Agents 340
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 999 2359
Hits per Day 23989 30399
Files per Day 23896 30170
Pages per Day 23890 30300
Sites per Day 40 125
Visits per Day 165 207
Volume per Day 20.27 MB 112.38 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 101 - Switching Protocols 0.00% 1
Code 200 - OK 99.61% 740791
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.00% 33
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.01% 98
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.01% 90
Code 404 - Not Found 0.36% 2652

Hits by Response Code March 2024

Code 404 Monthly Statistics for March 2024 (Top 20 of 779 URLs)
# Hits URL
1 1235 46.57% /usage_202403.htmlusage_202403.html
2 29 1.09% /simple.php
3 23 0.87% /sitemap.xml
4 17 0.64% /chosen.php
5 17 0.64% /style.php
6 15 0.57% /usage//xef/xbb/xbf
7 14 0.53% /about.php
8 14 0.53% /inputs.php
9 13 0.49% /grafik/filmkarten/Rueckkehr aus der anderen
10 11 0.41% /ads.txt
11 11 0.41% /modules/mod_simplefileuploadv1.3/elements/®.php7
12 10 0.38% /wp-content/plugins/backup-backup/includes/backup-heart.php
13 10 0.38% /bc
14 10 0.38% /backup
15 10 0.38% /old
16 10 0.38% /wp-json/
17 9 0.34% /humans.txt
18 9 0.34% /wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.min.js
19 8 0.30% /gnseingang.html
20 8 0.30% /admin.php
View All URLs

Daily usage for March 2024

Daily Statistics for March 2024
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites Volume
1 23604 3.17% 23577 3.18% 23539 3.18% 192 3.74% 105 8.42% 31.31 MB 4.98%
2 18030 2.42% 18011 2.43% 17958 2.42% 191 3.72% 125 10.02% 35.44 MB 5.64%
3 14848 2.00% 14815 2.00% 14807 2.00% 196 3.82% 74 5.93% 36.89 MB 5.87%
4 17792 2.39% 17762 2.40% 17738 2.40% 184 3.58% 79 6.34% 24.74 MB 3.94%
5 27215 3.66% 27107 3.66% 27159 3.67% 188 3.66% 90 7.22% 19.09 MB 3.04%
6 29025 3.90% 28880 3.90% 28914 3.90% 163 3.17% 69 5.53% 10.21 MB 1.63%
7 28435 3.82% 28242 3.81% 28327 3.82% 150 2.92% 71 5.69% 8.21 MB 1.31%
8 28551 3.84% 28372 3.83% 28285 3.82% 199 3.88% 75 6.01% 9.27 MB 1.48%
9 29237 3.93% 29099 3.93% 29126 3.93% 192 3.74% 94 7.54% 7.77 MB 1.24%
10 30399 4.09% 30170 4.07% 30300 4.09% 207 4.03% 105 8.42% 16.34 MB 2.60%
11 27194 3.66% 27059 3.65% 27130 3.66% 200 3.89% 89 7.14% 15.97 MB 2.54%
12 27022 3.63% 26882 3.63% 26968 3.64% 195 3.80% 88 7.06% 14.40 MB 2.29%
13 28888 3.88% 28761 3.88% 28867 3.90% 158 3.08% 81 6.50% 13.89 MB 2.21%
14 28514 3.83% 28360 3.83% 28497 3.85% 142 2.77% 60 4.81% 14.50 MB 2.31%
15 25997 3.50% 25919 3.50% 25967 3.51% 151 2.94% 67 5.37% 13.52 MB 2.15%
16 16057 2.16% 16048 2.17% 16021 2.16% 139 2.71% 58 4.65% 7.37 MB 1.17%
17 15362 2.07% 15335 2.07% 15329 2.07% 163 3.17% 66 5.29% 8.21 MB 1.31%
18 15102 2.03% 15070 2.03% 15078 2.04% 163 3.17% 80 6.42% 7.46 MB 1.19%
19 19577 2.63% 19558 2.64% 19423 2.62% 173 3.37% 80 6.42% 8.50 MB 1.35%
20 28197 3.79% 27999 3.78% 28062 3.79% 158 3.08% 62 4.97% 104.79 MB 16.68%
21 27976 3.76% 27947 3.77% 27951 3.77% 141 2.75% 67 5.37% 112.38 MB 17.88%
22 27460 3.69% 27438 3.70% 27424 3.70% 125 2.43% 55 4.41% 6.49 MB 1.03%
23 28259 3.80% 28217 3.81% 27076 3.66% 122 2.38% 55 4.41% 10.37 MB 1.65%
24 27676 3.72% 27659 3.73% 27629 3.73% 138 2.69% 87 6.98% 13.65 MB 2.17%
25 22191 2.98% 22178 2.99% 22152 2.99% 136 2.65% 67 5.37% 7.75 MB 1.23%
26 14314 1.92% 14222 1.92% 14278 1.93% 158 3.08% 74 5.93% 9.31 MB 1.48%
27 16529 2.22% 16505 2.23% 16502 2.23% 176 3.43% 59 4.73% 10.53 MB 1.67%
28 19035 2.56% 18488 2.50% 19011 2.57% 176 3.43% 80 6.42% 12.46 MB 1.98%
29 26636 3.58% 26600 3.59% 26598 3.59% 200 3.89% 94 7.54% 11.47 MB 1.83%
30 27273 3.67% 27248 3.68% 27243 3.68% 188 3.66% 79 6.34% 12.36 MB 1.97%
31 27270 3.67% 27263 3.68% 27251 3.68% 171 3.33% 70 5.61% 13.76 MB 2.19%

Hourly usage for March 2024

Hourly Statistics for March 2024
Hour Hits Files Pages Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 988 30653 4.12% 983 30490 4.12% 986 30579 4.13% 790.69 KB 23.94 MB 3.81%
1 1048 32507 4.37% 1027 31861 4.30% 1046 32426 4.38% 824.86 KB 24.97 MB 3.97%
2 1000 31021 4.17% 998 30938 4.18% 998 30965 4.18% 788.95 KB 23.88 MB 3.80%
3 1062 32933 4.43% 1059 32859 4.44% 1059 32851 4.44% 902.09 KB 27.31 MB 4.35%
4 1070 33193 4.46% 1068 33122 4.47% 1067 33097 4.47% 929.17 KB 28.13 MB 4.48%
5 1070 33170 4.46% 1067 33094 4.47% 1068 33117 4.47% 969.05 KB 29.34 MB 4.67%
6 1079 33468 4.50% 1076 33380 4.51% 1076 33370 4.51% 959.49 KB 29.05 MB 4.62%
7 1060 32888 4.42% 1055 32711 4.42% 1058 32802 4.43% 993.34 KB 30.07 MB 4.79%
8 1034 32079 4.31% 1031 31991 4.32% 1032 32014 4.32% 969.38 KB 29.35 MB 4.67%
9 1005 31179 4.19% 1002 31086 4.20% 1002 31084 4.20% 1018.52 KB 30.83 MB 4.91%
10 992 30776 4.14% 989 30674 4.14% 990 30707 4.15% 901.12 KB 27.28 MB 4.34%
11 979 30354 4.08% 976 30263 4.09% 976 30267 4.09% 949.42 KB 28.74 MB 4.57%
12 967 29985 4.03% 964 29901 4.04% 963 29876 4.03% 1.00 MB 31.14 MB 4.96%
13 959 29746 4.00% 956 29649 4.00% 957 29672 4.01% 977.26 KB 29.59 MB 4.71%
14 944 29282 3.94% 941 29178 3.94% 941 29197 3.94% 890.16 KB 26.95 MB 4.29%
15 940 29145 3.92% 937 29052 3.92% 937 29066 3.92% 817.40 KB 24.75 MB 3.94%
16 931 28879 3.88% 928 28793 3.89% 929 28829 3.89% 761.09 KB 23.04 MB 3.67%
17 959 29757 4.00% 957 29683 4.01% 956 29645 4.00% 809.71 KB 24.51 MB 3.90%
18 991 30744 4.13% 988 30657 4.14% 989 30682 4.14% 748.24 KB 22.65 MB 3.60%
19 980 30410 4.09% 978 30322 4.09% 979 30363 4.10% 707.97 KB 21.43 MB 3.41%
20 990 30699 4.13% 986 30596 4.13% 986 30582 4.13% 799.88 KB 24.21 MB 3.85%
21 970 30085 4.05% 966 29966 4.05% 968 30017 4.05% 743.97 KB 22.52 MB 3.58%
22 1000 31012 4.17% 997 30915 4.17% 960 29784 4.02% 767.50 KB 23.23 MB 3.70%
23 958 29700 3.99% 955 29610 4.00% 955 29618 4.00% 709.13 KB 21.47 MB 3.42%

Top 30 of 1550 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 707834 95.18% 1.16 MB 0.18% /
2 23093 3.11% 260.96 MB 41.53% /usage/
3 1695 0.23% 206.53 MB 32.87% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202403.html
4 1063 0.14% 637.44 KB 0.10% /usage/menu.html
5 268 0.04% 45.22 MB 7.20% /usage/usage_202401.html
6 260 0.03% 41.80 MB 6.65% /usage/usage_202402.html
7 222 0.03% 4.08 MB 0.65% /usage/usage_202206.html
8 144 0.02% 4.95 MB 0.79% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
9 119 0.02% 5.77 MB 0.92% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
10 77 0.01% 79.09 KB 0.01% /frame.html
11 50 0.01% 66.67 KB 0.01% /main.html
12 43 0.01% 66.86 KB 0.01% /menue.html
13 40 0.01% 34.05 KB 0.01% /impressum.htm
14 36 0.00% 42.46 KB 0.01% /banner.html
15 36 0.00% 3.28 MB 0.52% /usage/usage_202309.html
16 35 0.00% 353.01 KB 0.05% /usage/usage_201902.html
17 33 0.00% 22.46 KB 0.00% /links/links.php
18 33 0.00% 488.65 KB 0.08% /usage/usage_201903.html
19 31 0.00% 28.87 KB 0.00% /gottkarten.htm
20 30 0.00% 119.12 KB 0.02% /charakter.htm
21 30 0.00% 2.64 MB 0.42% /usage/usage_202303.html
22 27 0.00% 62.72 KB 0.01% /haftungsausschluss.htm
23 26 0.00% 13.31 KB 0.00% /exodia.htm
24 24 0.00% 51.80 KB 0.01% /usage/germannavyseals_de/
25 22 0.00% 26.45 KB 0.00% /millenniums.html
26 21 0.00% 14.79 KB 0.00% /filmkarten.htm
27 21 0.00% 385.02 KB 0.06% /usage/usage_201905.html
28 20 0.00% 595.14 KB 0.09% /regelwerk.htm
29 20 0.00% 555.78 KB 0.09% /usage/usage_202204.html
30 19 0.00% 35.18 KB 0.01% /menue2.html

Top 10 of 1550 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 23093 3.11% 260.96 MB 41.53% /usage/
2 1695 0.23% 206.53 MB 32.87% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202403.html
3 268 0.04% 45.22 MB 7.20% /usage/usage_202401.html
4 260 0.03% 41.80 MB 6.65% /usage/usage_202402.html
5 119 0.02% 5.77 MB 0.92% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
6 144 0.02% 4.95 MB 0.79% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
7 222 0.03% 4.08 MB 0.65% /usage/usage_202206.html
8 36 0.00% 3.28 MB 0.52% /usage/usage_202309.html
9 8 0.00% 2.66 MB 0.42% /usage/webalizer.current
10 30 0.00% 2.64 MB 0.42% /usage/usage_202303.html

Top 10 of 419 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 707834 95.18% 1169 25.01% /
2 23093 3.11% 855 18.29% /usage/
3 222 0.03% 136 2.91% /usage/usage_202206.html
4 144 0.02% 106 2.27% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
5 119 0.02% 94 2.01% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
6 260 0.03% 65 1.39% /usage/usage_202402.html
7 77 0.01% 51 1.09% /frame.html
8 268 0.04% 45 0.96% /usage/usage_202401.html
9 35 0.00% 33 0.71% /usage/usage_201902.html
10 36 0.00% 31 0.66% /usage/usage_202309.html

Top 10 of 427 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 707834 95.18% 1146 24.50% /
2 23093 3.11% 857 18.32% /usage/
3 222 0.03% 137 2.93% /usage/usage_202206.html
4 144 0.02% 106 2.27% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202206.html
5 119 0.02% 90 1.92% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202206.html
6 268 0.04% 62 1.33% /usage/usage_202401.html
7 77 0.01% 55 1.18% /frame.html
8 260 0.03% 46 0.98% /usage/usage_202402.html
9 24 0.00% 32 0.68% /usage/germannavyseals_de/
10 33 0.00% 31 0.66% /usage/usage_201903.html

Top 30 of 1247 Total Sites
# Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 704761 94.77% 704761 95.14% 0 bytes 0.00% 29 0.56%
2 1678 0.23% 1678 0.23% 206.25 MB 32.82% 3 0.06%
3 1407 0.19% 1407 0.19% 8.70 MB 1.38% 137 2.67%
4 1315 0.18% 1315 0.18% 8.13 MB 1.29% 120 2.34%
5 1229 0.17% 1222 0.16% 2.19 MB 0.35% 1 0.02%
6 1213 0.16% 1213 0.16% 0 bytes 0.00% 292 5.69%
7 1116 0.15% 1116 0.15% 6.90 MB 1.10% 104 2.03%
8 984 0.13% 984 0.13% 0 bytes 0.00% 292 5.69%
9 927 0.12% 927 0.13% 11.05 MB 1.76% 12 0.23%
10 691 0.09% 0 0.00% 132.26 KB 0.02% 143 2.78%
11 624 0.08% 624 0.08% 7.44 MB 1.18% 5 0.10%
12 558 0.08% 17 0.00% 3.05 MB 0.48% 99 1.93%
13 537 0.07% 537 0.07% 6.40 MB 1.02% 12 0.23%
14 530 0.07% 0 0.00% 186.47 KB 0.03% 1 0.02%
15 522 0.07% 522 0.07% 6.22 MB 0.99% 9 0.18%
16 467 0.06% 467 0.06% 80.83 MB 12.86% 86 1.67%
17 452 0.06% 452 0.06% 5.39 MB 0.86% 16 0.31%
18 416 0.06% 400 0.05% 2.80 MB 0.44% 200 3.89%
19 395 0.05% 380 0.05% 2.80 MB 0.45% 184 3.58%
20 392 0.05% 377 0.05% 2.30 MB 0.37% 173 3.37%
21 391 0.05% 308 0.04% 15.26 MB 2.43% 113 2.20%
22 390 0.05% 375 0.05% 2.27 MB 0.36% 178 3.47%
23 387 0.05% 374 0.05% 2.31 MB 0.37% 180 3.51%
24 382 0.05% 369 0.05% 3.12 MB 0.50% 183 3.56%
25 367 0.05% 351 0.05% 2.23 MB 0.36% 166 3.23%
26 365 0.05% 350 0.05% 2.42 MB 0.38% 180 3.51%
27 355 0.05% 355 0.05% 4.23 MB 0.67% 3 0.06%
28 338 0.05% 338 0.05% 4.03 MB 0.64% 8 0.16%
29 331 0.04% 331 0.04% 3.94 MB 0.63% 12 0.23%
30 325 0.04% 133 0.02% 1.61 MB 0.26% 19 0.37%

Top 10 of 1247 Total Sites By Volume
# Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 1678 0.23% 1678 0.23% 206.25 MB 32.82% 3 0.06%
2 467 0.06% 467 0.06% 80.83 MB 12.86% 86 1.67%
3 391 0.05% 308 0.04% 15.26 MB 2.43% 113 2.20%
4 927 0.12% 927 0.13% 11.05 MB 1.76% 12 0.23%
5 1407 0.19% 1407 0.19% 8.70 MB 1.38% 137 2.67%
6 1315 0.18% 1315 0.18% 8.13 MB 1.29% 120 2.34%
7 624 0.08% 624 0.08% 7.44 MB 1.18% 5 0.10%
8 1116 0.15% 1116 0.15% 6.90 MB 1.10% 104 2.03%
9 537 0.07% 537 0.07% 6.40 MB 1.02% 12 0.23%
10 522 0.07% 522 0.07% 6.22 MB 0.99% 9 0.18%

Top 30 of 1951 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 32678 4.39%
2 32663 4.39%
3 32633 4.39%
4 32613 4.39%
5 32601 4.38%
6 32600 4.38%
7 32568 4.38%
8 32566 4.38%
9 32519 4.37%
10 32517 4.37%
11 32512 4.37%
12 32442 4.36%
13 32424 4.36%
14 32420 4.36%
15 32419 4.36%
16 32399 4.36%
17 32392 4.36%
18 32358 4.35%
19 32309 4.34%
20 32291 4.34%
21 32268 4.34%
22 5467 0.74% - (Direct Request)
23 1678 0.23%
24 1324 0.18%
25 1234 0.17%
26 1234 0.17%
27 1132 0.15%
28 1132 0.15%
29 1132 0.15%
30 1131 0.15%

Top 15 of 340 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 704949 94.79% Spider: Googlebot
2 33265 4.47% Browser: Safari
3 3351 0.45% Browser: Firefox
4 500 0.07% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
5 391 0.05% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
6 282 0.04% Spider: MJ12bot
7 160 0.02% Go-http-client/1.1
8 120 0.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SEOkicks; +
9 116 0.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +
10 109 0.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeznamBot/4.0; +
11 103 0.01% IonCrawl (
12 46 0.01% FriendlyCrawler/Nutch-1.20-SNAPSHOT
13 38 0.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; BLEXBot/1.0; +
14 32 0.00% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
15 22 0.00% Browser: MSIE

Usage by Country for March 2024

Top 30 of 65 Total Countries
# Hits Files Volume Country
1 705509 94.87% 705509 95.24% 8.91 MB 1.42% Portugal Portugal
2 13095 1.76% 12780 1.73% 117.02 MB 18.62% Commercial (com)
3 7254 0.98% 7174 0.97% 79.03 MB 12.58% Network (net)
4 3812 0.51% 2564 0.35% 301.40 MB 47.96% Russian Federation Russian Federation
5 2645 0.36% 2494 0.34% 40.78 MB 6.49% United States United States
6 2090 0.28% 1877 0.25% 5.28 MB 0.84% Germany Germany
7 2075 0.28% 2057 0.28% 24.19 MB 3.85% European Union European Union
8 1382 0.19% 1382 0.19% 16.40 MB 2.61% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
9 1142 0.15% 1124 0.15% 6.95 MB 1.11% Chile Chile
10 984 0.13% 984 0.13% 0 bytes 0.00% Samoa Samoa
11 530 0.07% 0 0.00% 186.47 KB 0.03% Jordan Jordan
12 518 0.07% 518 0.07% 5.82 MB 0.93% Romania Romania
13 394 0.05% 315 0.04% 3.70 MB 0.59% Canada Canada
14 268 0.04% 268 0.04% 3.19 MB 0.51% Poland Poland
15 227 0.03% 227 0.03% 2.71 MB 0.43% Luxembourg Luxembourg
16 214 0.03% 214 0.03% 2.55 MB 0.41% Latvia Latvia
17 208 0.03% 183 0.02% 2.19 MB 0.35% Bulgaria Bulgaria
18 193 0.03% 193 0.03% 592.19 KB 0.09% Kazakhstan Kazakhstan
19 179 0.02% 163 0.02% 369.21 KB 0.06% Non-Profit (org)
20 176 0.02% 176 0.02% 2.10 MB 0.33% Costa Rica Costa Rica
21 152 0.02% 152 0.02% 1.81 MB 0.29% Lithuania Lithuania
22 109 0.01% 38 0.01% 316.11 KB 0.05% Czech Republic Czech Republic
23 84 0.01% 63 0.01% 362.96 KB 0.06% Unresolved/Unknown
24 77 0.01% 63 0.01% 519.75 KB 0.08% China China
25 38 0.01% 38 0.01% 463.79 KB 0.07% Albania Albania
26 31 0.00% 4 0.00% 44.66 KB 0.01% India India
27 30 0.00% 28 0.00% 23.96 KB 0.00% New Zealand New Zealand
28 30 0.00% 29 0.00% 220.66 KB 0.03% Seychelles Seychelles
29 27 0.00% 20 0.00% 71.58 KB 0.01% Sweden Sweden
30 25 0.00% 24 0.00% 59.90 KB 0.01% Japan Japan

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Generated by Webalizer Xtended (RB30) by Patrick Frei based on Webalizer Version 2.23-08