Usage Statistics for

Summary Period: March 2022
Generated 01-Apr-2022 02:43 CEST
Webalizer Xtended (RB30)

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Monthly Statistics for March 2022
Total Hits 178518
Total Files 125861
Total Pages 177909
Total Visits 4889
Total Volume 14.31 GB
Total Unique Sites 940
Total Unique URLs 495
Total Unique Referrers 5424
Total Unique User Agents 336
. Avg Max
Hits per Hour 239 1064
Hits per Day 5758 12955
Files per Day 4060 6930
Pages per Day 5739 12936
Sites per Day 30 89
Visits per Day 157 250
Volume per Day 472.78 MB 885.25 MB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 70.50% 125861
Code 206 - Partial Content 7.14% 12748
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 0.02% 31
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.07% 122
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.04% 73
Code 404 - Not Found 22.23% 39683

Hits by Response Code March 2022

Code 404 Monthly Statistics for March 2022 (Top 20 of 304 URLs)
# Hits URL
1 19321 48.69% /modules/phpBB2/viewforum.php
2 19312 48.67% /phpBB2/viewforum.php
3 42 0.11% /.git/config
4 28 0.07% /apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
5 27 0.07% /apple-touch-icon-152x152-precomposed.png
6 27 0.07% /apple-touch-icon.png
7 26 0.07% /apple-touch-icon-152x152.png
8 21 0.05% /usage//xef/xbb/xbf
9 13 0.03% /grafik/filmkarten/Rueckkehr aus der anderen
10 11 0.03% /ads.txt
11 11 0.03% /admin.php
12 11 0.03% /vendor/phpunit/phpunit/src/Util/PHP/eval-stdin.php
13 9 0.02% /humans.txt
14 9 0.02% /Wordpress
15 9 0.02% /WORDPRESS
16 9 0.02% /WordPress
17 9 0.02% /wp
18 9 0.02% /Wp
19 9 0.02% /WP
20 9 0.02% /Old
View All URLs

Daily usage for March 2022

Daily Statistics for March 2022
Day Hits Files Pages Visits Sites Volume
1 9378 5.25% 6930 5.51% 9356 5.26% 144 2.95% 67 7.13% 885.25 MB 6.04%
2 2122 1.19% 1743 1.38% 2112 1.19% 127 2.60% 53 5.64% 168.04 MB 1.15%
3 756 0.42% 729 0.58% 737 0.41% 120 2.45% 44 4.68% 54.32 MB 0.37%
4 1039 0.58% 1009 0.80% 1010 0.57% 147 3.01% 60 6.38% 55.06 MB 0.38%
5 1010 0.57% 973 0.77% 990 0.56% 136 2.78% 49 5.21% 49.95 MB 0.34%
6 1517 0.85% 1326 1.05% 1487 0.84% 133 2.72% 56 5.96% 51.56 MB 0.35%
7 3382 1.89% 2711 2.15% 3356 1.89% 181 3.70% 57 6.06% 264.15 MB 1.80%
8 5359 3.00% 4237 3.37% 5349 3.01% 188 3.85% 54 5.74% 421.94 MB 2.88%
9 8847 4.96% 6585 5.23% 8820 4.96% 194 3.97% 50 5.32% 781.33 MB 5.33%
10 8709 4.88% 6465 5.14% 8691 4.89% 168 3.44% 66 7.02% 779.79 MB 5.32%
11 8103 4.54% 6007 4.77% 8085 4.54% 152 3.11% 44 4.68% 737.29 MB 5.03%
12 7652 4.29% 5718 4.54% 7641 4.29% 162 3.31% 36 3.83% 690.68 MB 4.71%
13 7635 4.28% 5751 4.57% 7617 4.28% 189 3.87% 51 5.43% 697.07 MB 4.76%
14 6861 3.84% 5201 4.13% 6837 3.84% 164 3.35% 59 6.28% 624.04 MB 4.26%
15 737 0.41% 725 0.58% 732 0.41% 155 3.17% 38 4.04% 22.63 MB 0.15%
16 1306 0.73% 1092 0.87% 1273 0.72% 163 3.33% 58 6.17% 39.35 MB 0.27%
17 5602 3.14% 4298 3.41% 5597 3.15% 172 3.52% 45 4.79% 474.85 MB 3.24%
18 6490 3.64% 4864 3.86% 6479 3.64% 155 3.17% 62 6.60% 589.97 MB 4.03%
19 6657 3.73% 5068 4.03% 6644 3.73% 208 4.25% 63 6.70% 586.88 MB 4.00%
20 12955 7.26% 5504 4.37% 12936 7.27% 250 5.11% 89 9.47% 613.88 MB 4.19%
21 6283 3.52% 4843 3.85% 6265 3.52% 220 4.50% 57 6.06% 542.26 MB 3.70%
22 6164 3.45% 4582 3.64% 6159 3.46% 146 2.99% 46 4.89% 584.14 MB 3.99%
23 5590 3.13% 4138 3.29% 5568 3.13% 124 2.54% 52 5.53% 524.39 MB 3.58%
24 5452 3.05% 4035 3.21% 5407 3.04% 147 3.01% 64 6.81% 508.23 MB 3.47%
25 12524 7.02% 4164 3.31% 12494 7.02% 157 3.21% 51 5.43% 511.19 MB 3.49%
26 5917 3.31% 4479 3.56% 5907 3.32% 171 3.50% 68 7.23% 534.82 MB 3.65%
27 5926 3.32% 4460 3.54% 5905 3.32% 174 3.56% 64 6.81% 512.43 MB 3.50%
28 5706 3.20% 4256 3.38% 5680 3.19% 155 3.17% 64 6.81% 525.16 MB 3.58%
29 6322 3.54% 4750 3.77% 6318 3.55% 146 2.99% 56 5.96% 593.58 MB 4.05%
30 8382 4.70% 6203 4.93% 8375 4.71% 134 2.74% 44 4.68% 828.57 MB 5.65%
31 4135 2.32% 3015 2.40% 4082 2.29% 122 2.50% 52 5.53% 403.38 MB 2.75%

Hourly usage for March 2022

Hourly Statistics for March 2022
Hour Hits Files Pages Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total
0 224 6950 3.89% 170 5282 4.20% 222 6906 3.88% 19.36 MB 600.20 MB 4.10%
1 229 7116 3.99% 175 5455 4.33% 228 7096 3.99% 20.10 MB 623.05 MB 4.25%
2 220 6823 3.82% 167 5186 4.12% 219 6807 3.83% 19.31 MB 598.70 MB 4.08%
3 232 7218 4.04% 175 5432 4.32% 232 7212 4.05% 20.57 MB 637.59 MB 4.35%
4 247 7659 4.29% 188 5856 4.65% 246 7635 4.29% 21.16 MB 655.84 MB 4.47%
5 229 7124 3.99% 175 5439 4.32% 228 7095 3.99% 20.16 MB 624.81 MB 4.26%
6 233 7249 4.06% 176 5482 4.36% 233 7236 4.07% 21.02 MB 651.49 MB 4.45%
7 232 7215 4.04% 176 5484 4.36% 232 7209 4.05% 20.86 MB 646.79 MB 4.41%
8 243 7557 4.23% 173 5364 4.26% 243 7544 4.24% 20.88 MB 647.23 MB 4.42%
9 259 8047 4.51% 171 5304 4.21% 258 8024 4.51% 20.64 MB 639.92 MB 4.37%
10 257 7981 4.47% 168 5235 4.16% 256 7953 4.47% 20.44 MB 633.54 MB 4.32%
11 235 7285 4.08% 168 5224 4.15% 234 7275 4.09% 20.11 MB 623.34 MB 4.25%
12 225 6995 3.92% 162 5035 4.00% 224 6967 3.92% 19.20 MB 595.19 MB 4.06%
13 225 6987 3.91% 163 5054 4.02% 224 6961 3.91% 19.33 MB 599.23 MB 4.09%
14 250 7752 4.34% 165 5137 4.08% 248 7695 4.33% 19.17 MB 594.14 MB 4.05%
15 258 8012 4.49% 170 5273 4.19% 257 7991 4.49% 19.69 MB 610.31 MB 4.16%
16 251 7800 4.37% 164 5097 4.05% 250 7751 4.36% 19.20 MB 595.11 MB 4.06%
17 246 7628 4.27% 165 5145 4.09% 244 7593 4.27% 19.45 MB 602.95 MB 4.11%
18 256 7957 4.46% 170 5288 4.20% 256 7945 4.47% 19.63 MB 608.49 MB 4.15%
19 253 7863 4.40% 162 5023 3.99% 252 7834 4.40% 18.80 MB 582.81 MB 3.98%
20 253 7872 4.41% 164 5114 4.06% 253 7857 4.42% 19.11 MB 592.27 MB 4.04%
21 242 7520 4.21% 158 4898 3.89% 242 7508 4.22% 18.47 MB 572.48 MB 3.91%
22 226 7011 3.93% 155 4819 3.83% 225 6988 3.93% 17.76 MB 550.47 MB 3.76%
23 222 6897 3.86% 168 5235 4.16% 220 6827 3.84% 18.40 MB 570.26 MB 3.89%

Top 30 of 495 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 40342 22.60% 6.38 GB 44.56% /usage/usage_202203.html
2 35898 20.11% 4.42 GB 30.86% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202203.html
3 31180 17.47% 204.63 MB 1.40% /usage/
4 17954 10.06% 2.18 GB 15.26% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202203.html
5 3283 1.84% 548.60 MB 3.74% /usage/usage_202202.html
6 2756 1.54% 351.06 MB 2.40% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202202.html
7 1384 0.78% 176.60 MB 1.20% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202202.html
8 1239 0.69% 748.77 KB 0.00% /usage/menu.html
9 483 0.27% 753.48 KB 0.01% /
10 82 0.05% 13.27 MB 0.09% /usage/usage_202110.html
11 73 0.04% 74.15 KB 0.00% /frame.html
12 48 0.03% 6.00 MB 0.04% /usage/usage_202008.html
13 46 0.03% 631.02 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_201903.html
14 43 0.02% 63.06 KB 0.00% /main.html
15 40 0.02% 68.53 KB 0.00% /menue.html
16 40 0.02% 403.72 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_201902.html
17 40 0.02% 404.05 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_201904.html
18 39 0.02% 730.50 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_201905.html
19 38 0.02% 1.20 MB 0.01% /regelwerk.htm
20 33 0.02% 366.09 KB 0.00% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202007.html
21 28 0.02% 2.18 MB 0.01% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202008.html
22 27 0.02% 34.61 KB 0.00% /impressum.htm
23 25 0.01% 44.58 KB 0.00% /usage/germannavyseals_de/
24 24 0.01% 34.32 KB 0.00% /banner.html
25 24 0.01% 56.08 KB 0.00% /haftungsausschluss.htm
26 23 0.01% 116.63 KB 0.00% /charakter.htm
27 21 0.01% 323.04 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_200503.html
28 21 0.01% 306.72 KB 0.00% /usage/usage_200506.html
29 20 0.01% 14.12 KB 0.00% /links/links.php
30 20 0.01% 36.84 KB 0.00% /menue2.html

Top 10 of 495 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 40342 22.60% 6.38 GB 44.56% /usage/usage_202203.html
2 35898 20.11% 4.42 GB 30.86% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202203.html
3 17954 10.06% 2.18 GB 15.26% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202203.html
4 3283 1.84% 548.60 MB 3.74% /usage/usage_202202.html
5 2756 1.54% 351.06 MB 2.40% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202202.html
6 31180 17.47% 204.63 MB 1.40% /usage/
7 1384 0.78% 176.60 MB 1.20% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202202.html
8 82 0.05% 13.27 MB 0.09% /usage/usage_202110.html
9 48 0.03% 6.00 MB 0.04% /usage/usage_202008.html
10 5 0.00% 2.54 MB 0.02% /usage/webalizer.current

Top 10 of 364 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 31180 17.47% 1471 31.03% /usage/
2 40342 22.60% 554 11.69% /usage/usage_202203.html
3 483 0.27% 444 9.37% /
4 35898 20.11% 49 1.03% /usage/germannavyseals_de/usage_202203.html
5 3283 1.84% 49 1.03% /usage/usage_202202.html
6 40 0.02% 35 0.74% /usage/usage_201902.html
7 38 0.02% 30 0.63% /regelwerk.htm
8 40 0.02% 28 0.59% /usage/usage_201904.html
9 73 0.04% 27 0.57% /frame.html
10 17954 10.06% 27 0.57% /usage/allgamesclan_de/usage_202203.html

Top 10 of 356 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 31180 17.47% 1476 31.55% /usage/
2 40342 22.60% 549 11.74% /usage/usage_202203.html
3 483 0.27% 401 8.57% /
4 73 0.04% 47 1.00% /frame.html
5 3283 1.84% 45 0.96% /usage/usage_202202.html
6 46 0.03% 40 0.86% /usage/usage_201903.html
7 39 0.02% 33 0.71% /usage/usage_201905.html
8 38 0.02% 29 0.62% /regelwerk.htm
9 48 0.03% 25 0.53% /usage/usage_202008.html
10 43 0.02% 23 0.49% /main.html

Top 30 of 940 Total Sites
# Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 135199 75.73% 96578 76.73% 13.28 GB 92.81% 81 1.66%
2 5065 2.84% 5065 4.02% 0 bytes 0.00% 2 0.04%
3 3379 1.89% 3379 2.68% 513.95 MB 3.51% 4 0.08%
4 2841 1.59% 2841 2.26% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.02%
5 1518 0.85% 1518 1.21% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.02%
6 1484 0.83% 1484 1.18% 9.17 MB 0.06% 119 2.43%
7 1424 0.80% 1424 1.13% 227.36 MB 1.55% 476 9.74%
8 1272 0.71% 1272 1.01% 7.85 MB 0.05% 106 2.17%
9 1259 0.71% 1259 1.00% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.02%
10 1246 0.70% 819 0.65% 8.32 MB 0.06% 4 0.08%
11 1059 0.59% 1059 0.84% 6.53 MB 0.04% 90 1.84%
12 960 0.54% 960 0.76% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.02%
13 658 0.37% 658 0.52% 7.83 MB 0.05% 41 0.84%
14 491 0.28% 461 0.37% 2.96 MB 0.02% 388 7.94%
15 424 0.24% 424 0.34% 2.62 MB 0.02% 37 0.76%
16 362 0.20% 362 0.29% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.02%
17 340 0.19% 340 0.27% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.02%
18 337 0.19% 216 0.17% 20.51 MB 0.14% 160 3.27%
19 320 0.18% 308 0.24% 2.48 MB 0.02% 215 4.40%
20 308 0.17% 308 0.24% 1.32 MB 0.01% 43 0.88%
21 307 0.17% 293 0.23% 2.50 MB 0.02% 216 4.42%
22 288 0.16% 270 0.21% 2.46 MB 0.02% 201 4.11%
23 275 0.15% 268 0.21% 2.08 MB 0.01% 201 4.11%
24 273 0.15% 263 0.21% 3.16 MB 0.02% 190 3.89%
25 267 0.15% 267 0.21% 3.18 MB 0.02% 20 0.41%
26 257 0.14% 257 0.20% 0 bytes 0.00% 1 0.02%
27 252 0.14% 240 0.19% 1.83 MB 0.01% 181 3.70%
28 249 0.14% 249 0.20% 2.96 MB 0.02% 12 0.25%
29 243 0.14% 231 0.18% 1.75 MB 0.01% 183 3.74%
30 206 0.12% 206 0.16% 2.45 MB 0.02% 22 0.45%

Top 10 of 940 Total Sites By Volume
# Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 135199 75.73% 96578 76.73% 13.28 GB 92.81% 81 1.66%
2 3379 1.89% 3379 2.68% 513.95 MB 3.51% 4 0.08%
3 1424 0.80% 1424 1.13% 227.36 MB 1.55% 476 9.74%
4 337 0.19% 216 0.17% 20.51 MB 0.14% 160 3.27%
5 63 0.04% 63 0.05% 11.08 MB 0.08% 8 0.16%
6 1484 0.83% 1484 1.18% 9.17 MB 0.06% 119 2.43%
7 51 0.03% 51 0.04% 8.54 MB 0.06% 3 0.06%
8 1246 0.70% 819 0.65% 8.32 MB 0.06% 4 0.08%
9 1272 0.71% 1272 1.01% 7.85 MB 0.05% 106 2.17%
10 658 0.37% 658 0.52% 7.83 MB 0.05% 41 0.84%

Top 30 of 5424 Total Referrers
# Hits Referrer
1 29861 16.73%
2 17724 9.93%
3 16788 9.40%
4 9491 5.32%
5 9156 5.13%
6 9126 5.11%
7 9120 5.11%
8 9014 5.05% https://xn--80aafdc1ad1h.xn--p1ai/
9 8254 4.62%
10 7041 3.94%
11 6945 3.89%
12 5801 3.25%
13 5708 3.20% - (Direct Request)
14 2450 1.37%
15 1484 0.83%
16 1272 0.71%
17 1204 0.67%
18 1190 0.67%
19 1190 0.67%
20 1190 0.67%
21 1190 0.67%
22 1190 0.67%
23 1059 0.59%
24 424 0.24%
25 308 0.17%
26 304 0.17%
27 297 0.17%
28 292 0.16%
29 284 0.16%
30 284 0.16%

Top 20 of 556 Total Search Strings
# Hits Search String
1 18 2.87%
2 13 2.07%
3 5 0.80% como limpiar una bocina de celular
4 4 0.64%
5 3 0.48% celulitis nunca mas
6 3 0.48% how does bone repair pdf
7 3 0.48%
8 3 0.48%
9 3 0.48%
10 3 0.48% root megemon delay viagra
11 2 0.32% como curar y como ganar
12 2 0.32%
13 2 0.32%
14 2 0.32%
15 2 0.32%
16 2 0.32%
17 2 0.32%
18 2 0.32%
19 2 0.32%
20 2 0.32%

Top 15 of 336 Total User Agents
# Hits User Agent
1 162650 91.11% Browser: Safari
2 12746 7.14% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36
3 1246 0.70% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Barkrowler/0.9; +
4 492 0.28% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +
5 337 0.19% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; DotBot/1.2; +;
6 283 0.16% Spider: MJ12bot
7 164 0.09% Browser: Firefox
8 134 0.08% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeznamBot/3.2; +
9 109 0.06% netEstate NE Crawler (+
10 68 0.04% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; YandexBot/3.0; +
11 43 0.02% Spider: Googlebot
12 37 0.02% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; bingbot/2.0; +
13 35 0.02% python-requests/2.18.4
14 23 0.01% Browser: MSIE
15 20 0.01% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SEOkicks; +

Usage by Country for March 2022

Top 30 of 69 Total Countries
# Hits Files Volume Country
1 135199 75.73% 96578 76.73% 13.28 GB 92.81% Wallis and Futuna Islands Wallis and Futuna Islands
2 11287 6.32% 11054 8.78% 77.22 MB 0.53% Commercial (com)
3 6946 3.89% 6945 5.52% 199 bytes 0.00% Belgium Belgium
4 3772 2.11% 3759 2.99% 519.05 MB 3.54% Unresolved/Unknown
5 3321 1.86% 3176 2.52% 49.49 MB 0.34% United States United States
6 2935 1.64% 2507 1.99% 34.58 MB 0.24% European Union European Union
7 2434 1.36% 2424 1.93% 267.25 MB 1.82% Russian Federation Russian Federation
8 1965 1.10% 1965 1.56% 16.91 MB 0.12% Romania Romania
9 1533 0.86% 1533 1.22% 10.95 MB 0.07% Chile Chile
10 1516 0.85% 1516 1.20% 0 bytes 0.00% Cyprus Cyprus
11 1029 0.58% 972 0.77% 16.27 MB 0.11% Network (net)
12 960 0.54% 960 0.76% 0 bytes 0.00% Austria Austria
13 630 0.35% 629 0.50% 7.41 MB 0.05% Great Britain (UK) Great Britain (UK)
14 481 0.27% 481 0.38% 5.73 MB 0.04% Latvia Latvia
15 470 0.26% 376 0.30% 4.87 MB 0.03% Germany Germany
16 378 0.21% 378 0.30% 4.49 MB 0.03% Ukraine Ukraine
17 333 0.19% 243 0.19% 2.84 MB 0.02% Spain Spain
18 327 0.18% 327 0.26% 3.92 MB 0.03% Australia Australia
19 282 0.16% 282 0.22% 3.36 MB 0.02% Ireland Ireland
20 271 0.15% 271 0.22% 3.22 MB 0.02% Netherlands Netherlands
21 268 0.15% 268 0.21% 3.20 MB 0.02% Poland Poland
22 243 0.14% 243 0.19% 2.89 MB 0.02% Albania Albania
23 236 0.13% 234 0.19% 2.77 MB 0.02% France France
24 201 0.11% 201 0.16% 2.39 MB 0.02% Costa Rica Costa Rica
25 201 0.11% 196 0.16% 2.02 MB 0.01% Sweden Sweden
26 160 0.09% 159 0.13% 1.87 MB 0.01% Canada Canada
27 156 0.09% 156 0.12% 304.64 KB 0.00% Bulgaria Bulgaria
28 139 0.08% 139 0.11% 1.62 MB 0.01% Norway Norway
29 134 0.08% 29 0.02% 230.97 KB 0.00% Czech Republic Czech Republic
30 128 0.07% 128 0.10% 1.52 MB 0.01% Japan Japan

[Main] [Code 404] [Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]

Generated by Webalizer Xtended (RB30) by Patrick Frei based on Webalizer Version 2.23-08